2022 Annual Report

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Message from the President

Dear Friends of FOMAR,

2022 was a banner year for donations. For the first time, we brought in more than $20,000, a 60% increase over 2021, and the most we have ever raised in one year. One of our primary goals for 2023 is to broaden our base of donors because even though the number was higher, the number of donors was smaller. Fewer donors, but bigger donations. I think this reflects the wonderful work Rebecca has done for those whom she helped, whether with rescues or with adoptions. She is much appreciated!

We also sterilized 150 pups, a significant increase over 2021. This is important because the more sterilizations, the fewer street dogs that give birth to pups that don’t survive or have to struggle to survive. Rebecca’s focus this year is shifting from sterilization clinics, which proved difficult to organize, often because of local bureaucratic restrictions, to community outreach sterilizations, as she explains below.

The number of adoptions also increased. So 2022 was a very busy year, and we predict 2023 will be even busier. It has certainly started out that way!

Still another goal for 2023 is to improve the puppy pen, a project already underway with the help of some wonderful volunteer workers.

So please consider helping us meet our goal of broadening our base of support. Visit www.fomanimalrescue.org and donate today!!

Many thanks,

Judy Anderson
President, Board of Directors
Friends of Megan Animal Rescue

Message from the Executive Director

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I would like to express my gratitude for your continued interest and support for our charity. As we start a new year, I want to update you on our recent activities and plans for the future.In 2022, we were able to continue our efforts to host sterilization clinics in our community, and I am pleased to report that we have seen a significant increase in the number of dogs that have been sterilized. This is thanks to the help of our dedicated volunteers and the support of our local community who have welcomed our efforts with open arms.

Last year, we procured a tranquillizer gun for our veterinarian, Luciano, to help us address the issue of street dogs. He has already caught, sterilized, vaccinated, and released almost 20 street dogs. This is a great achievement for us, and we are thrilled to be able to make a positive impact in our community.

As our reputation as an animal rescue grows, we are receiving more pleas for assistance. To help us sustain our efforts and expand our reach, our major goal this year is to focus on income streams. This means increasing our presence on social media and hosting more fundraisers to raise awareness and funds for our cause.

Finally, I want to remind you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on our progress and events. Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to working with you to make a positive impact in the lives of animals in our community.
With gratitude,

Rebecca Durden Raab
Executive Director
Friends of Megan Animal Rescue

Support FOMAR Today!

Your generous support is critical in enabling FOMAR to assist animals in Oaxaca.

For our U.S. supporters, all donations to Friends of Megan Animal Rescue are fully tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Service guidelines in every state. Donations are designated directly for the food, care, and treatment of rescued animals.

Our preferred method of receiving donations is securely through PayPal. Alternatively, you can send a check to:

Tom Poe, Treasurer
4169 Woodside Drive
Rockingham, VA 22801

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