2021 Annual Report

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Message from the President

Dear Animal Lovers,
It is a pleasure to be reporting back to you this year! As Rebecca notes below, we finally began our sterilization clinics, a goal for several years now. Several unexpected issues have prevented us in the past, including the pandemic of the last two years, but we HAVE begun. Rebecca held two clinics last year, and we are shooting for six in 2022. We have also this year been successfully coordinating with other rescue agencies in the area on adoptions and rescues and provided financial assistance on vaccinations.
Our numbers are continuing to be positive, although our expenses have also increased. We note that since Friends of Megan Animal Rescue (FOMAR) began in 2015, we have raised more than $60,000 for the organization, and not one penny of it goes for administration or overhead. All of it goes directly to our rescue efforts. Not many non-profits can make that boast!
Because our expenses have risen and because we want to continue to expand our rescue, adoption, sterilization and vaccination efforts, I encourage all of you who are interested enough to check out this Annual Report to continue with your donations, either through Paypal, through social media fundraisers (those have been very successful and form a significant part of our income) or through the old-fashioned way of sending a check to our Treasurer Tom Poe (address on the website). I have one request for those of you kind enough to initiate social media fundraisers on our behalf … please let us know (by email to Rebecca or to our Secretary Linda Boyd ( both addresses available on the website) so we can properly thank you! We are so grateful for your support, but often feel quite terrible that we can’t identify you.
Here’s to a terrific 2022 and to high hopes that we will be putting this pandemic fully behind us by the end of the year!


Judy Anderson
President, Board of Directors
Friends of Megan Animal Rescue

Message from the Executive Director

Hi everyone,

I’d like to start by thanking you for taking the time to visit our website. While you’re here let me tell you a little about 2021.

We were finally able to get our village involved with our efforts to host sterilization clinics. Everyone was very receptive and we are looking forward to more in 2022. Overall, our sterilization numbers have more than tripled so we are beginning to see a slow steady impact of our work. We are still seeing a lot of adults and puppies on the street so to address this we procured a tranquillizer gun for our veterinarian, Luciano. So far, he has managed to catch, sterilize, vaccinate and release almost 20 street dogs. Yay!! (We have, of course, been able to compensate him for this work.) He is very pleased to be able to do this!!

So far, we’ve managed to catch, sterilize, vaccinate and release almost 20 street dogs. Yay!

As our reputation as an animal rescue grows, so do our pleas for assistance. Our major goal this new year is to focus more on income streams. This means more fundraisers and increasing our presence on social media. If you would like to help or have suggestions, please contact me.

Again thanks for visiting and be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Happy New Year and a big woof and meow from all our friends.

Rebecca Durden Raab
Executive Director
Friends of Megan Animal Rescue

Support FOMAR Today!

Your generous support is critical in enabling FOMAR to assist animals in Oaxaca.

For our U.S. supporters, all donations to Friends of Megan Animal Rescue are fully tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Service guidelines in every state. Donations are designated directly for the food, care, and treatment of rescued animals.

Our preferred method of receiving donations is securely through PayPal. Alternatively, you can send a check to:

Tom Poe, Treasurer
4169 Woodside Drive
Rockingham, VA 22801

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